

Ok, the listing is for an occupied rental. But do you really need to show the tenant?

Fuzzy and Clear

The listing agent thought is would be smart to post both of these photos.

I guess the first photo is just a teaser to get the buyer to imagine the kitchen.

And then the reality…



A fantastic front photo.. We all need to see the trees and street view.

Another one for the dogs…

And these folks need a cabinet in their laundry room!

I would have omitted this photo from the MLS…


Sometimes I feel like I have seen it all. Then people find a new way to mess up…


Think this one may need a new roof?

Yes that is really the first photo on a real MLS listing… BRAVO!!!


The photos speak for themselves…

The home is what it is but the lions are just distracting. A good agent knows what your clients should put away before taking photos.


This agent didn’t even worry about visiting the house…

street view

Notice the directional arrows and the footer…

This was the first photo on a listing.

Notice the glare? They didn’t even roll down the window.


I blurred out their sign to keep their identity private.

The whole team…

It is not unusual to see an agent accidentally in a photo but this  listing is over the top.

We first get a glimpse of these two guys on the back porch.


Then one of them is demonstrating the functionality of the pantry.


I’m never shocked to see an agent in the mirror but this one is particularly bold.


Finally this guy is just happy to be here…


Yes these are all from a real active MLS listing posted by an agent.



A Car Lot?

No only did this agent capture cars in the driveway, They captured their own car in the front window!

No only did this agent capture cars in the driveway, They captured their own car in the front window!

It is a best practice to move any cars out of the drive before taking photos.

A vacant drive looks bigger and more welcoming to a buyer.

This is the only photo of the front of the home. It’s not even centered.


These photos are part of a 350K listing in our MLS.

I really don’t understand this on any level… Let’s put the offender in context.

A room, dark photo but I have seen worse.

A room, dark photo but I have seen worse.

A dog by the flowers... Cute but has nothing to do with the house.

Fifi by the flowers… Cute but it has nothing to do with the house.

The back porch... Ok back to house photos.

Back to house photos. The screen porch. 

I know people love their pets. But listing photos should be about selling a house not showing off a photo of your pooch.